Home > 3. Lifestyles > How to Write a Discursive Essay

How to Write a Discursive Essay

Writing is like a journey: you start with a blank sheet of paper and what appears on it at the end of the trip depends entirely on you. You should go through every stage of the essay writing process described in this guide.

Write an essay that:

  • is focused;
  • is logical;
  • is clear;
  • is well-structured;
  • makes a point;
  • grabs the reader’s interest from the first lines;
  • does not pad;
  • provides illustrative evidence;
  • gives credits to sources.

So, how do we approach this arduous task? Follow this guide and you’ll manage to get an impressive piece of writing. For a 200-250-word composition, you need to devote about one hour of your precious time divided into the following steps:

  • Read the title (1 Minute)
  1. What is the question asking/stating & what are the two sides of the argument?
  2. Address/refer to the question throughout the essay
  3. Answer the question asked and not what you want to write about.
  • Write a plan (10 Minutes)
  1. Brief introduction
  2. Points of discussion for first side of the argument e.g. Point 1, Point 2 & Point 3
  3. Points of discussion for other side of the argument e.g. Point 1, Point 2 & point 3
  4. Have an equal number of points to discuss on both sides to balance the argument
  5. Brief conclusion
  6. Jot down complex phrases and introductory phrases you wish to use, upgrade the level of your composition by using the new grammar structures.
  7. Make a list of any vocabulary/buzz words related to the topic; try to choose your most advanced language and collocations to impress your reader
  • Style


  • Keep sentences short.
  • Use formal vocabulary, i. e. avoid colloquialisms and slang
  • Use objective language whenever possible- remember you are stating facts.
  • Use passive forms.
  • Be accountable for what you write: always back up your points with reasons and examples.
  • Use linking words


  • Do not use the personal pronoun ‘I’ unless the title specifically asks for your personal opinion or experience.
  • Avoid contractions- use full forms rather than contractions: e.g. could not rather than couldn’t
  • Avoid too many extreme adjectives and exclamations.
The ESSAY: (45 Minutes)

  • Introduction
  1. Set the scene/explain situation/problem. Quotations and rhetorical questions are very helpful.
  2. Show first side of the argument
  3. Show the other side of the argument
  4. Sum up

Present BOTH Sides of the Argument: for and against

  • Conclusion
  1. Use a concluding phrase/remark
  2. This should reflect upon your points of discussion and weigh up BOTH sides of your argument
  3. Give your personal opinion on it, if you want to
  4. It should contain NO NEW INFORMATION
  5. Refer back to title but do not repeat it exactly
  6. Give some reference to the future if possible.
CHECK YOUR WORK (10 Minutes)Verb endings/Tenses            Spellings              Complex Phrases                  Punctuation

Relevant Vocabulary and Structures to Topic.

Categories: 3. Lifestyles
  1. fahd
    December 9, 2013 at 6:21 pm

    i had to write a discursive essay in my exam and this gave me great help.

  2. Emma
    May 27, 2012 at 2:28 pm

    Helped me a lot. Had to write a 2 page discursive essay in class for assesment and this gave me great help for getting it done on time.


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