
Archive for the ‘Easter’ Category

Easter Homework

March 27, 2010 Leave a comment

Easter owes its name to a pagan deity Eostre also known as Holy week, most  Easter traditions and vocabulary come from the Christian customs as you can see in this Powerpoint.

Even if chocolate has won the popularity battle, there are some traditional foods related to this time of year.

Good Friday

Hot Cross Buns are traditionally served on Good Friday. A Hot Cross Bun is rich, spiced tea cake.

Easter Day

Boiled eggs are traditionally served at breakfast.

Roast lamb, which is the main dish at Jewish Passover, is the traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day.

Simmel cake is baked for tea.

The Simnel cake is a fruit cake with a flat layer of marzipan (sugar almond paste) on top and decorated with 11 marzipan balls representing the 12 apostles minus Judas, who betrayed Christ.
Click here for a recipe

Easter Biscuits

Easter Biscuits are sometimes called “Cakes”, and are eaten on Easter Sunday. They contain spices, currants and sometimes grated lemon rind.

After that brief introduction to the typical Easter food here is your Easter homework:

Write a letter (200 words approx) to a foreign friend inviting her/him to spend Easter with you  in Spain. You have to convince your friend this is the best time to visit you not only for the Easter celebrations but also for the nice special food that can be tasted at this time. Describe some of this special food using the vocabulary learnt in this unit.

Food Glorious Food

March 21, 2010 Leave a comment


The school gastronomic festival starts this week so I hope you are getting your top recipes ready to join in.

As Easter is approaching I will give you our family favourite recipe for this time of year. It is simple, it is tasty and there is something really therapeutic about getting your hands all dirty with chocolate while you are crunching the Weetabix. A sure winner with the whole family and it looks great too!  Click here for a step by step recipe of these great Easter nests.